The Taxonomy Regulation is aimed at financial market participants that provide financial products and (large) companies that are required to publish a non-financial statement in accordance with Article 19a of Directive 2013/34/EU. A financial market participant within the meaning of Article 2(1) of Regulation 2019/2088 is:
- an insurance undertaking that offers an insurance-based investment product (IBIP)
- an investment firm that provides portfolio management services;
- an institution for occupational retirement provision (IORP);
- a manufacturer of a pension product;
- an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM);
- a provider of a pan-European private pension product (PEPP provider);
- a manager of a qualifying venture capital fund registered in accordance with Art. 14 of Regulation (EU) 345/2013
- a manager of a qualifying social entrepreneurship fund registered in accordance with Art 15 of Regulation (EU) 346/2013
- a management company for undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS); or
- a credit institution that provides portfolio management services
Economic operators not covered by the EU Taxonomy may apply this Regulation on a voluntary basis.